A Believer’s Journey


Dear Travel Buddy,

First things first, welcome to Heart For Worship, I am so happy we get to connect. Whether you are in the path of discovering/ rediscovering Christ or you’re a christian babe/guy who is into blogs (you are seen!), I am honoured to have you here- not because it’s taking me forever to draft this letter, but because I have a feeling we will all get along just fine.

I am a true believer that being in Christ is a path, a journey in which we are called to deny ourselves, pick up our cross daily and follow Him (Luke 9:23), as I go through this journey and dig deep in the things of God, I am hoping to have you alongside me.

In this journey our mission, yes mine and yours will be primarily to grow closer to God through the Son , by trusting Him for a renewed heart posture, believing him for a renewed heart that yearns for the righteousness and holiness of Christ. You might ask, how will we achieve this? Well, we will seek and dwell in the presence of the Lord daily, we will humble ourselves by meditating in His temple, to gaze upon the goodness and beauty of God (Psalm 27:4), putting it simply- to Worship !

Worship is more than just chasing a mere feeling but is the heart posture of surrendering before God, I pray that as He begins to make us a new, we will have a heart of worship that yearns fervently for Him- in another words, a Heart for Worship.

Stay safe, see you at the next stop.


Heart For Worship

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